Procrastination, Disorganization, Vacillation

I keep running in circles in my mind. I can't sit still. I can't focus. Maybe its a vitamin deficiancy? I would like to think that its an easy fix like that.

I try to get organized and focused and then something happens and I'm completely derailed. I could easily sink into that dark place in my mind. Hibernate. But I keep plodding on somehow. I draw every day. Sometimes its all crap but at least I'm drawing. When I start to feel helpless and hopeless I busy myself with random acts of decluttering or minor housekeeping tasks. This morning I was feeling restless and edgey. I cleared out a bunch of plasticware in my cupboard that causes more stress than is useful. Random. Unplanned. I just did it. I think its better than sinking into the dark, safety of my bedcovers like I crave. That would be so easy but it would spiral out of control quickly.

This week I went to a life drawing session held at a local brewery in Eugene. I haven't drawn from a live figure in years. Literally. It was a rough session for me but it felt good to get back into it.

It has been so long since I've done any drawing like this. I'm enjoying it. something different to break up the routine.

Other drawings from this week.....

I'm working on a couple of themes right now. One foot in front of the other. I'm currently working on a triptych of small paintings to submit to a local gallery. The deadline is in a couple of days so I really need to work on them. Like now. They are only part way there. 

Starting Monday I will be doing a drawing a day just to discipline myself. I would like to work up to a painting a day. I overwork everything and I would like to get past that. By limiting the time I allow myself I think I can do that. 

I'm also participating in a virtual critique with a good friend of mine who happens to be an amazing artist himself. I look forward to making that a regular thing.

Well, there is my cheery Friday post. Yes. Definitely a vitamin deficiency. I need my vitamin D.  I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I will be putting my best foot forward to be productive.
