Nothing very significant, art wise, happened in August. Well, except for the Print!Eugene event. That went off very well. I did the following linocut while I helped out at the Whiteaker Printmaker's Booth.
But I had many family things going on in August and just could not make art happen all that much. Now that summer is winding down and school is about to start I think I can get back on schedule. One way that I am doing that is by doing 30 paintings in 30 days challenge. I'm already behind, of course, but I've already done more painting than I have all summer. That is the whole point to this challenge really so its good enough.
So here is my first painting:
And now I will get back to work. I hope to post my paintings this month as I finish them. Thankful for this weekend and a less chaotic couple of days.
Oh! But there is one more thing that happened in August and is still happening! I have a show up at Perk Espresso and Coffee in Eugene, Oregon. This is a nice coffeeshop on Willamette St in dowtown Eugene. This is the only place in Eugene (that I am aware of) that has rosemary lattes. They are amazing! And my show will be up until the end of September.
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