Happy Hump Day - new project

So I'm trying to do more landscapes this spring/summer. I purchased a pochade case to go out and do some plein air paintings. That means oil painting again. I haven't done that in a long while. I'm looking forward to it. I'm sure I have a lot to learn but I am eager to do so. the painting below is a landscape from my imagination. It is not complete but I hope for it to finish it soon. I started with a black surface this time. I like how it makes the colors pop in a way that white gesso does not. 

I have been doing a lot of drawing in the last couple of weeks. I really enjoy my drawing group. It has been inspiring and so helpful. It is always good to be in a critique setting with fellow artists. 

It is my goal to be posting more on this blog starting here on out. I have so many ideas I want to explore and open up discussion for anyone who would like to participate. Stay tuned....
