Making Plans

I'm supposed to be working on a print exchange. Its due at the end of April.  This is as far as I've gotten. Drypoint? Monoprint? I don't really know what I'm going to do yet. 

I'm doing a lot of thinking and planning these days. Lots of notes. Lots of pictures. I've printed out black and white copies of some of my old artwork and put them into a sketchbook. Now I'm making notes on what I've done. Trying to suss out the themes of my past works. 

I've been planning out series of paintings as well. Maybe I'm doing too much planning?

I'm still questioning what I'm trying to say. So many words pop up in my work both in art and writing. I'm trying to have more purpose in my themes. What is the common string pulling those words together. Do they need to exist simply because they popped up? Should I narrow my scope?

Nature makes amazing art. Great studies in composition and design. I save images that intrigue me and write about those images as well. Why do they intrigue me? Sometimes just words.

I get a lot of inspiration from songs. I love music and always have something playing while I'm in the studio. David Bowie has been my life-long favorite. I find a lot of imagery come out of his songs. Here I've jotted down lines of his songs and collect images to go with them. Bowie is not the only one to inspire me but the most consistent one. I know of another artist who does series of paintings that are closely tied to David Bowie's music. Amber Maida does really amazing work and is currently working on a series of paintings for his newest album, The Next Day.

And now back to my day job. Have a happy Wednesday, everyone!
