Ruby Soho

This is one of those posts where I prove that I over analyze. I do it alot. Thats why I am so neurotic and lame.

But really, I have been meeting a few artists as of late. And we discuss art. We discuss our own particular techniques and styles. We show each other our work.

And then I start to wonder......

Am I not doing this right?

I compare......

She's doing amazing figurative work. My work is so........!

I start to do the slink of shame and self doubt......

I don't really know what I'm doing.

I don't really do a good job.

Am I copping out these days by not being more representational and figurative in my work?

I used to only do realistic and figurative work.

I got bored with it.

I wanted to challenge myself. So I jumped on this abstract thing and I've been loving it.

But is it really art work? Or art therapy? I feel like I've lost my focus and my ability to critique my own work.

Yes, I'm over analyzing.
