the interview thingie

I can never resist these interview question thingies. And Amy never lets me down when coming up with interesting questions. Her blog is my favorite one to visit so go check it out.

So now for some more random facts you never wanted to know about me...

1.  what is your favorite kind of cheese?  what are your thoughts on smelly cheeses?
My favorite cheeses right now are manchego and iberico. In fact that just reminded me that I have some in the fridge right now. I'll be right back.....
oh, and as for stinky cheeses I have no problem them with them except the family really complains if they have to smell them.

2.  marmite or vegemite? 
I'm not dying to have either but if I had to choose then vegemite. When our Aussie friends were visiting they could not be without the stuff. I have to say it grew on me.

3.  are you afraid of midgets?
I'm so not afraid of midgets and frankly, Amy. I don't get your fear. 

4.  do you hate the lady that works at the post office?
We have a dreadlocky, laid back dude at our post office outlet (I never go to the main post office with the outlet only a mile away) and he's pretty cool.

5.  wine: red or white
Until very recently I would have agreed with Amy. Red! But lately I've been enjoying ice cold, dry sauvignon blanc. mmm.

6.  do you hold a grudge?
not anymore. I hate the way grudges eat me up and leave all that negative energy floating around me. I'd rather just move on.

7.  what are you addicted to?
LOTS of things! But mostly artmaking, music and certain tv series. Right now its Downton Abbey and Mad Men.

8.  who do you think is more evil - verizon or at&t.  you can't say they are equal you have to choose.
(completely areeing with Amy here)

9.  deserted island. one food and one food only for the rest of your life.  what's it gonna be?
Is it cheating if I say burritos? If so then my next pick is mangos.

That is all I have for you at this time.
