I just realized this is my 100th post. Crazy. I was thinking I would do some special "wow" post but I didn't. Instead I shared my glorious morning with you. I tried going to work an hour after I was supposed to be there but the snow was still really deep. For Eugene, Oregon. So I started and ended in the middle of the road with my car just sitting there going nowhere. My husband finally came out to inspect and thought (apparently) "huh, look at that." And didn't do anything!! I was so annoyed. Like, what do you expect me to do at this point? Just sit here? So, I rolled down my window and got nasty. You don't need to know what I said. But at that point a car came around the corner. And he had to stop because I have this big, stupid minivan and there was no getting around me. He got out in a cranky sort of way, like I had done this to him on purpose. He told me I should put the car in 2nd drive. I said I have it 2nd drive. My husband is still standing there!! (@$#*&^) I'm furious. Then a second car shows up and that guy is much nicer. He starts instructing me and then a couple of neighbors come out and help push me back into the driveway. Geez! I have a lot of words for this situation but you really don't want to hear them.
I got out and instructed my husband to start shoveling the drive. Like now! I need to be at work. As much as I want to be home I have to be at work so get busy, buddy (notice the photo above)! School was closed, so he didn't have to be anywhere.
So I made it to work and I did alot of stuff I normally don't do because I was left on my own mostly. So when I got home I decided it was time to just do things I WANT to do. I'm going to paint now and the family will fend for themselves for dinner. Don't worry. They're big kids now so...
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