Never There

I've been working on my sketchbook project.... well, a bit. I'm working rather hard on it, like its not a sketchbook and that is slowing me down. And then I feel like I need to walk away and do something else.

I find myself daydreaming at work of paintings I want to do. It makes me a bit crazy. Like I need to push at the edges of my shell to make more space. Sometimes I stop whatever I'm doing and sketch out an idea quickly on a post it note and then I stick it to my book to review later. I have a lot of post its stuck to surfaces in my studio now. Sometimes I just grab them and throw them in the recycle bin.  Sometimes they become larger sketches on canvas or paper.

The thing is, I've become terribly obsessed with artmaking and that is not very practical for me right now. I'm living in my head a bit more than I think is healthy. I suppose this too shall pass.

And hey! Its Friday!


  1. Why not whole sketchbook filled with just your post it notes glued in. They are the pure basic distillation of your ideas. Could be powerful. Like the skeletons of your art. Dig the tree pictures. Maybe I've looked to much at Joan Mitchell lately but they remind me of some of her wilder paintings.

  2. Now that is an interesting idea. Post it notes in my sketchbook. Oh, how I love Joan Mitchell. LOVE her!


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