
                                             Tasting Tension                                             2011

I looked out the window just now and saw the sparkling yellow sunlight pushing through the leaves of the tree in my backyard. I remembered a lot of things all of a sudden.

1. The far field of our property when I was growing up. I used to lay down in the tall grass and pretend no one knew about me. I'd just watch the clouds.

2. That is why gold and green go so well together. Sunlight filtering through the leaves.

3. Books I love.

4. Myself.

5. The simple stuff that makes space for my mental health.

6. Lack of things is a good thing.

Sometime I think I will make a picture list instead of a word list. Just for fun.


This painting is in transition. Still working out the kinks. I've run out of beeswax. Until that situation is resolved this painting will have to wait.

There you have it. Some paintings and a list. Life is good.
