I'm really frustrated with myself for not making my art a priority in the last 2 weeks. I've been in a funk and it hasn't been a very productive time. But all of that is going to change this weekend as I have set a goal for myself. I plan on spending several hours in the studio tonight and tomorrow working on 6 paintings on paper. They will be small pieces but I have an idea for them all set and think I can execute them in a weekend so I'm super pumped.
I'm also very interested in taking this workshop. I need inspiration. I've never taken a workshop online before. Amy at butterscape.blogspot.com is super inspiring to me. And she makes me laugh. Also, I'm shameless and want to win the gift certificate for plugging her class Soul Slam at this here spot http://flutterbye.ning.com/page/soul-slambook .

And I totally love this poster. I want this on my wall in my studio.
Well, I had better get to work now so I can start on that goal. Time is ticking, ticking, ticking away...
thank you
that was super coolio of you
we don't have a deadline for the cd swap because i am as remiss as you are :)
but i will
i will
i will
burn them this weekend.
i will!!!!!
yikes i want to go to the library.
then i will burn the cds!!
(yes, that was a totally random comment)