Well, we are still living in the technological stone age but I have been painting like crazy. Now I'm prepping my studio (aka garage) for the art camp I will be giving in August. Lots to do. Storage issues. Painting, painting, painting. The last owners thought it would be brilliant to paint the garage in primer gray. Its so dark and dreary. Time for some bright white walls to make those paintings pop. Not to mention the better lighting. I'm also doing real paintings and I've been involved with an atc exchange with my sisters. Lots going on. I'm on a real creative high right now. I hope it lasts the entire summer. The heat has been a bit suffocating but at the same time I've been really enjoying it. Aside from the insomnia and the nausea I do find the heat enjoyable. I have enjoyed sitting in the heat and drawing even though I can't eat a thing. I like moving slow and not feeling rushed. The biggest problem is that the paint keeps drying on the brush before it can be applied to the canvas. So painting has slowed down a bit during this heat wave. Today it only got up into the 70s. Still very nice outside and the breeze is lovely. I should be able to paint tonight. Yay for summer!!!
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