I See Hope in the Morning Light

Wonky weather is what we are having. Rain, sleet, snow, sunshine, wind, thunderbolts, more sunshine, more rain, more snow.
Oregon weather is very diverse. It leaves no one out.
When the weather is like this though I have a hard time entering my studio. Its so cold out there! I'm wimpy about it. I know.
But I did manage to go out there all bundled up and work on a few things sporatically.

Mostly I surveyed the mess I left from last time.

 I worked on this little piece: a collaborative between myself and my friend, Bryan.

 The mess from my printmaking fest.

The mess from a painting session. I haven't been into cleaning up I guess.

And various projects in progress. I don't have much focus right now. 

No focus. I've also started crocheting a blanket. I've been into making bread and I'm eager to get a garden started. Where am I going to find the time? I really don't know. 
